Green Building
Westervelt Lumber offers products that allow builders to meet the requirements of many green building certifications, including Leadership and Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®), the standard green building rating system worldwide. Our premium products are responsibly sourced, certified to the world’s most respected and recognized forest certification programs. Our forests that supply our mills are certified to both the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®) SFI-00062 standard and the Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC®) FSC-C106338 forest management standard.
Our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility is evident in our lumber, which is chain of custody certified through either SFI® or FSC® (FSC-C106188) programs. Our business is vertically integrated, which means we manage the entire process, from planting to harvesting to production, in a responsible way that guarantees our promise of sustainability.
For more information on how our commitment to sustainability can support your promise to be environmentally friendly, contact our sales staff at 800-633-5963.